Here is a picture of our sweet friend Clara, from The Stitching Parlor. She is standing in front of her wonderful designs!
We made some pictures of the layout in our room --our shop away from home!
Here is one side of the room with our new designs in the front left. Hard to tell becasue the lights were so bright! You can see the Seafarer's Vaentine box displayed on the right.
Here are some of the Halloween designs that we have. The others are on display in the window of our room. You can see the backs of the pieces at the top of the photo.
Here we are in front of everything. Even we look pink in this light!!
We had such a wonderful time and we met so many friends and made new ones! Several of the designers that are usually at show were not able to be there either because of illness or a death in the family. We really missed them.
Now everything is back home. We are busy filling orders, designing and sititching new pieces. Just wait until you see the new deisgns! Did we say that one is a new haunted house?
Happy Stitching!
Pam and Susan